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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Images of deliberations on mercury treaty at Jordan INC7

The 7th session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Mercury (INC 7) holding 10-15 March 2016 in Jordan entered its its fourth day on Monday.

On Sunday morning, delegates to INC7 convened in plenary to hear reports from contact groups on rules, finance and technical issues before moving ahead with work on issues including, inter alia, artisanal and small-scale gold mining, mercury supply sources and trade, environmentally sound interim storage of mercury other than waste mercury, mercury wastes, and contaminated sites.

The contact group on rules continued its work in parallel with the morning plenary and into the afternoon. The contact groups on finance, reporting and technical issues convened in the afternoon.

Photos by IISD/ENB | Kiara Worth

Dr I. A. Goji, Deputy Director, Pollution Department and Focal Point of the Minamata Convention for Nigeria, Federal Ministry of Environment...Thursday, 10 March 2016
Dr I. A. Goji, Deputy Director, Pollution Department, and Focal Point of the Minamata Convention for Nigeria, Federal Ministry of Environment…Thursday, 10 March 2016
Dr I. A. Goji (right), Mr Leslie Adogame of SRADev Nigeria (middle) and an African delegate review the Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) preparatory to discuss proceedings
Dr I. A. Goji (right), Mr Leslie Adogame of SRADev Nigeria (middle) and an African delegate review the Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) preparatory to discuss proceedings
Delegates gather for the start of plenary
Delegates gather for the start of plenary
Mr Leslie Adogame of SRADev Nigeria attending a session
Mr Leslie Adogame of SRADev Nigeria attending a session
Fernando Lugris, Uruguay, INC Chair
Fernando Lugris, Uruguay, INC Chair
Contact Group on Rules
Contact Group on Rules
Contact Group on Technical Matters
Contact Group on Technical Matters
Contact Group on Finance
Contact Group on Finance
Contact Group on Reporting
Contact Group on Reporting


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