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Monday, June 17, 2024

Saudi Arabia to host 11th World Water Forum in 2027

Saudi Arabia was on Friday, May 24, 2024, appointed as the country to host the 11th water forum in 2027.

Saudi Minister of Environment, Water, and Agriculture Eng. Abdulrahman bin Abdulmohsen Al-Fadley. Photo credit: SPA

The country was formally appointed during the closing ceremony of the 10th Word Water Forum on Indonesia’s Bali.

Under Indonesia’s chairmanship, the 10th World Water Forum had adopted a ministerial declaration that highlights three priorities.

The first priority is the establishment of a center of excellence for water security and climate resilience for capacity building, knowledge sharing and utilisation of superior facilities.

The second priority is to raise and promote the issue of integrated water resources management on small islands, and the third is the commemoration of the World Lakes Day proposal.

The declaration was adopted at the conclusion of the ministerial meeting attended by 106 countries and 27 international organisations.

The global water and sanitation community forum has been held every three years since 1997.

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