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COP27: Groups call on Trudeau to support fossil fuel treaty

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It’s time for Canada to support a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty and help set the stage for success at next month’s United Nations climate summit, COP27, 40 Canadian health, environment, faith, and youth groups said on Tuesday, September 4, 2022 in a letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

The call comes a week after Vanuatu President, Nikenike Vurobaravu, made an historic call for a treaty from the floor of the UN General Assembly, making the vulnerable island the first country to sign on to the initiative.

“With Atlantic Canada coming to grips with the devastation of Hurricane Fiona, and memories of last year’s deadly heat dome and flooding still fresh in British Columbia, we need the government to act.”  said Angela Orellana-Schwalm of MobilizeTO.

She added: “A year has passed since the City of Toronto sent a letter to Trudeau requesting that the Government of Canada negotiate a global treaty for the non-proliferation of fossil fuels.

“Many Canadian municipalities have sent similar requests. It is time for the federal government to be accountable and provide a public response to these requests.”

“Fossil fuel production accounts for 86% of the greenhouse gas emissions that are driving climate disruption,” said Lyn Adamson of ClimateFast. “We urge Trudeau to go to COP 27 prepared to support a global treaty process to slash these emissions.”

“It’s evident that moving forward with new fossil fuel investments presents a clear and present danger to all humanity, and indeed the entire biosphere of this planet.” Said Joe Vipond, President of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE). “Unless we act now to radically curb CO2 production, I fear for my children’s future, and increasingly, their present. Please Prime Minister Trudeau, join this treaty process to protect our planet.”

Signatories to the letter include MobilizeTO, ClimateFast, Climate Reality and CAPE. The letter cites motions passed by 12 Canadian municipalities including five of Canada’s largest cities. Toronto passed a member motion (MM35.39) July 15, 2021. Vancouver, Montreal, Ottawa and Victoria have joined in the call to Prime Minister Trudeau to support and take action to implement the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.  

The letter follows ClimateWeek events including the youth ClimateStrike of Sept 23. On September 14, the World Health Organisation (WHO) and 200 health organisations making up the Global Climate Health Alliance (GCHA) released a letter of support for the treaty. On September 19, a launch was held for a new resource, the Global Registry of Fossil Fuels.

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