Stories of water harvesting, pollution, scarcity and misuse among others are not new in developing countries.
And in Uganda and several other countries in Eastern and Southern Africa region (ESAR), where UNICEF estimates that about 157 million people are not connected to a clean and safe water distribution system, and thus need to use external water sources, stories of this nature are made frequently.
But whereas several stories of this nature are made, not all of them are told. Some never make it to the media.
WaterSan Perspective brings you the picture story of water harvesting, pollution, scarcity and misuse among others in Uganda which Fredrick Mugira produced with support from the CSE Media Fellowships Programme for the Global South.

year, several families with iron-roofed houses still use dirty water fetched from shallow wells. They fail to harvest rainwater and opt to follow it up to the swamp